воскресенье, 25 августа 2013 г.

The making of "The Runaway".

The filming felt, somewhat like a weekend getaway. The breathtaking location and the fantastic atmosphere on set being the cause of such a vague, collective feeling. 

Anchor Bay.
          We arrived on set early with work already underway.  Upon arriving on set, a musing feeling takes over after a single glimpse at the open sea, which glittered all the way into the horizon, as if the starlet sun, while moving westward along the sky, spilt glitter and sequins all over the restless waves, dressing them in a most beauteous fashion. In the bay – high rocky cliffs and the riotous waves dancing and breaking against those cliffs in their joyous summer twist and whirl. Popeye village, the sound of the waves and the cool sea breeze were the perfect backdrop for a production and for inspiration.

The atmosphere on set was fantastic, truly one of creation. A constant flow of live music, sounds of acoustic guitars, drums and even singing of the guys from Red Electrick could be heard throughout the day, providing us with a lovely, varied soundtrack for the weekend and accentuating even further the sense of relaxation and camaraderie backstage.  After a few hours it became evident what a well formed and talented band Red Electrick is, how the guys connect and jam together is a wonderful thing to see! At some point one would start jamming, the rest would one by one catch on and in a matter of minute, everyone on set is singing fun songs, like "Give it to me baby, aha aha"! :D

Who the Heck is REK? - Here they are!
Photo by: Johann Cardona Schranz.
The stylist, as well as hair and makeup artists were meticulously working away at people – actors, band and extras alike, creating beautiful looks, and transporting us all into some other place and time, like some twisted saloon of the Wild Wild West. Authentic, yet with a modern twist. 

Undine LaVerve in the full gettup in Popeye Village! 
We’ve had a great team – a relentlessly working production team – Jean Pierre, Colin and Joseph; dangerous cowboys; REK as the musicians; stunning working girls; charismatic pianist and barman and a very spunky cleaner; oh and let’s not forget the entertainment of the saloon – the Burlesque show – myself and two other lovely girls, Jess and MC, whom I’ve had the utmost pleasure working with!  The tight velvet dress I wore, lavishly decorated with beads of clear and shades of peach created by the fabulous Ernest Camilleri; with the pin up hair and the geisha-ish make up all came together to create my distinguished character of that Western cabaret starlet and matched beautifully with a pair of fishnets and some authentic western looking black leather boots, a flower nestled in my rolls and swirls completed the look!

The brains of the project hard at work!
Photo by: Johann Cardona Schranz.
 I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and I think it shows in the video. A lot of what we filmed didn’t make the final cut, but it was great fun to act, interact; it was fun getting into our character through little conversations that weren’t within earshot of the cameras but were topped off with quick wit! I couldn’t stop dancing whether cameras were rolling or not! And I think that when we were filming the video to the song itself, everyone was genuinely having fun!! Afterwards I could hear people start humming or singing “She ran away, ran away” at random here and there around the set!

Photo by Johann Cardona Schranz
I want to thank everyone involved, from those who’ve helped create my look, to those who’ve brought the story to life and those who’ve brightened the atmosphere, made me smile and enjoyed the project along with me. You know who you are - much love to you all! 

Close up of my look created by Chantal Busuttil & Tamara Burr!

And thus, thanks to a fantastic driven crew; a lively, creative cast and a collective love of the art, this gripping story came to live.

REK, Undine LaVerve and Jean Pierre Gatt at the Video launch event! 

Watch the video, enjoy Red Electrick’s new song, the story, the acting and glimpses of Undine LaVerve:

For me, the best bit, of course, was being up on the stage and down on the floor, getting lost in the music, getting lost in my character and dancing, dancing, dancing! Whether storming the floor on my own, or two sweet dames on my side, leading the cabaret in a frenzy of shimmy shakes and bump&grinds!

Much Love from Yours Truly,